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This year marks the 25th anniversary of the World Knowledge Forum.

The 25th World Knowledge Forum takes place during a volatile period marked by ongoing geopolitical and geoeconomic uncertainties. Great powers, led by strongmen, are exerting military and economic pressure on neighboring countries to align with their interests. This signifies that the path ahead is fraught with difficulties.

Amidst a shifting geopolitical balance of power, unprecedented new technologies are emerging and fundamentally transforming human lives. Sustained investments in technology development by companies and governments have led to remarkable achievements in various fields, including quantum computing, biotechnology, robotics, and more, with artificial intelligence (AI) at the forefront. While there is great anticipation for a bright future transformed by these disruptive technologies, there is also growing concern that these very same technologies may threaten human jobs.

Rapid changes in politics, economics, society, culture, and other fields are increasingly amplifying conflicts. As various conflicts approach critical thresholds, humanity faces a new challenge: to coexist and collaborate in a world unlike any we have experienced before. Now more than ever, we need the wisdom to respect one another and live together shoulder to shoulder, transcending conflicts based on gender, generation, ideology, culture, environment, and individual differences. Therefore, we have chosen "Journey Towards Coexistence" as the theme for this year's World Knowledge Forum.

Coexistence is not achieved overnight. It takes time to understand oneself and to comprehend others. Therefore, the path to coexistence resembles more of a "journey". It involves not walking alone, but rather holding hands, standing shoulder to shoulder, relying on each other, and progressing together step by step.

We hope you will join us again this year at the World Knowledge Forum to gain insights from the world's foremost scholars and global experts. During the three days of the World Knowledge Forum, participants will have the opportunity to explore pathways for coexistence, sustain human growth and prosperity, and strive towards a better world. Join us for a forum where knowledge is time well spent.