Social Responsibility

World Knowledge Corps

  • It is an international volunteer organization led by Maeil Business Newspaper in order to resolve the knowledge gap across the world.
  • “Volunteers of the corps provide various knowledge and technological tips to developing countries. They shared their experiences and consulted policy advice with governments and institutions in those nations. In addition, government officials and experts from the countries would be invited to participate in training opportunities in Korea. The World Knowledge Corps Summit was held in conjunction with the World Knowledge Forum.” (The World Knowledge Corps 2002 Annual Report)
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2002 Activities Report

01. Cambodia

Period of activity : July 8 - August 5, 2002

Number of participants : 10 persons including 5 professors from Handong University and 5 researchers at the Korean Architects Association

Place of mission : APSARA, the development agency for Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

  • Seminar for development of the Angkor Wat area under the theme of ‘Angkor Wat Vision 2020’
  • ICT Education for the employees of APSARA
  • Survey on the sustainable development for Siem Reap
  • Establishment of action plans on long-term cooperation for Siem Reap

02. Vietnam

Period of activity : October 21 to 31, 2002

Number of participants : 3 persons including the director of the ICT Education Center of Beat Computer

Place of mission : The Hanoi Science and Technology Development Center (DSTC) and others


  • Lectures on the latest internet technology flow and computer programming
  • Seminar on Korea's experience in software industry development and implications for Vietnam
  • Survey on the level of ICT development and utilization in Vietnam
  • Documentary production about the Vietnam mission

Open Lectures at the World Knowledge Forum

As part of its social contribution program, Maeil Business Newspaper has been offering the World Knowledge Forum as a free "Open Lecture" for university students since 2008. In response to requests from participants, the program has since expanded to include not only university students but also high school students and young professionals. Each year, approximately 3,000 participants from various groups have the opportunity to share knowledge and engage with global leaders.

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Sponsoring ‘Global Engagement & Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development(GEEF)’

It is an international event jointly organized by Yonsei University Global Community Service and Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, the 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations. It is also supported by Maekyung Media Group. Mr. Ban and Mr. Heinz Fischer, the 11th State President of the Republic of Austria attended the Forum to seek ways to implement 17 sustainable development goals set by the United Nations for common prosperity around the world.

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Maekyung CEO Special Lectures

The Maekyung Media Group has been holding special lectures on college campuses across the country since 2003. The lectures provide various insights and knowledge to undergraduate students who will lead the future society. The aim of the lectures is to help students set their goals and visions of life through hearing insights from experienced CEOs in various industries.

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The 'Medical One Asia' Project

This is an in-depth report coverage on medical service in cooperation with major institutes in Korea such as Samsung Medical Center, beginning in 2011. It runs under the motto of ‘Medical One Asia: Bridging the Medical Divide’, aiming to enhance medical cooperation throughout Asia. Through the project, Maekyung Media Group and top-notch medical staff in Korea provide necessary service for free to those in developing countries, e.g., Cambodia, where there is a lack of proper medical services for patients who suffer from many different diseases and/or symptoms.

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The Korea Mecenat Convention

Maekyung Media Group and the Korea Mecenat Association award corporations and businessmen who have contributed to the balanced development of the Korean economy, culture, and art.

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MOU with the Korean Red Cross

Maekyung Media Group together with the Korean Red Cross is working on ‘the Red Cross Honors Club (RCHC) Campaign’.
It promotes donation and philanthropy by the rich and encourages practicing ‘noblesse oblige’, spreading the culture of sharing in Korea.

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