Past Main speakers

Past Main Speakers

speaker Title imagestands for an online speaker.
Bill Gates Microsoft Corporation
George W Bush The 43rd President of the United States
Hillary Rodham Clinton The 67th United States Secretary of State
Steve Wozniak
Co-Founder of Apple Computer, Inc.
Tony Blair The 73rd Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Mike Pompeo The 70th United States Secretary of State
Janet L. Yellen The 78th United States Secretary of the Treasury
Nathan Blecharczyk Airbnb
Hun Sen President of the Senate of Cambodia
John F. Kelly The 28th White House Chief of Staff
Gregory Mankiw Harvard University
Jack Welch General Electric
Former Chairman
Nicolas Sarkozy The 23rd President of the France
Alan Greenspan The 13th Chairman of Federal Reserve Board
Francois Hollande The 24th President of France
Gerhard Schroder The 7th Chancellor of Germany
Paul Krugman City University of New York 
Steve Chen Youtube
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David Cameron
The 75th Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
John Bolton National Security Advisor (2018-2019)
Author of ′The Room Where It Happened′
Colin Powell The 65th United States Secretary of State
David Rubenstein The Carlyle Group
Co-founder and Co-CEO
Hatoyama Yukio The 93rd Prime Minister of Japan
Jerry Yang Yahoo
Co-founder & former CEO
Brian Duperreault AIG
Excutive Chairman & former CEO
Larry Ellison Oracle Corporation
Chairman and CTO
Carl Bildt The 30th Prime Minister of Sweden
Jon Gray Blackstone
President and COO
Niall Ferguson The Hoover Institution
Senior Fellow
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Sam Altman OpenAI
Larry Summers Harvard University
Professor of Economics
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Enrico Letta Italy
The 55th Prime Minister
Robin Li Baidu
Chairman and CEO
Wang Jia Rui Vice Chairman, 12th National Committee of the Chinese People′s Political Consultative Conference
Chairman, China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
George Soros Soros Fund Management
Eric Yuan Zoom
Founder & CEO
Jim Rogers Beeland Interests, Inc.
Thomas Piketty Paris School of Economics
Bob Woodward Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist
Donald Trump Jr. The Trump Organization
Executive Vice President