
International Situations

From two wars to the U.S. presidential election and the G2 hegemonic competition

Amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, which began with Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, another conflict erupted in the Middle East last October when Hamas launched a major offensive against Israel, prompting retaliatory measures from Israel.

Concurrently, a silent hegemonic competition persists between the United States and China.

How do these two conflicts reshape the geopolitical landscape? How will the balance of power between the G2 nations evolve after the U.S. presidential election and beyond, and what will this mean for the emergence of a new world order?

The Future of Artificial Intelligence(AI)

How AI is shaping the future and co-creating with humanity

ChatGPT, unveiled at the end of 2022, has evoked both anticipation and concern regarding the future of artificial intelligence.

Previously limited to assisting humans in specific fields, AI has now demonstrated the capability to learn from extensive datasets and provide comprehensive answers beyond human conception. Governments and corporations worldwide are investing in AI development, resulting in a cascade of remarkable advancements in the field.

Some projections suggest that we are nearing the 'singularity,' a point where AI's rapid advancement surpasses human intelligence.

Additionally, there is an ongoing debate about the need for regulatory measures in AI development, particularly to prevent its misuse for criminal activities. These discussions raise critical questions about whether AI will usher humanity into prosperity or potentially lead to unprecedented challenges. Here is an examination of the current state of artificial intelligence and exploration of how to harness this double-edged sword.

Sustainable World

Technological advancements and economic growth have enriched human life.

However, unchecked development is also causing environmental destruction and casting uncertainty over sustainability.

Threats to human and planetary sustainability extend beyond climate change to wars, deepening polarization, drug epidemics, energy depletion, population decline, and crises in market economies and democracy.

Through the perspectives of leading scholars on overcoming these challenges, the sessions also examine alternatives that could help humanity transcend impending crises, such as neuroscience, renewable energy, startups, and developments in Asia and Africa.

Business and Innovation

Innovate or die. In an era of unprecedented uncertainty, companies are continually contemplating how to innovate to secure their competitive edge.

Corporate CEOs frequently address crisis and innovation together, emphasizing their inseparability.

The Bank of Korea, in a recent report, warned that South Korea could face negative growth in the 2040s without significant changes, such as a rebound in the birth rate and substantial productivity improvements. Importantly, the report highlighted a notable slowdown in productivity growth, even among companies actively engaged in innovation.

It is evident that without innovation, further economic growth becomes increasingly challenging.

How should companies approach innovation? In what direction will innovation evolve? Expert panels will delve deeply into these critical questions.