Speakers of 2024
- Speakers
- Speakers of 2024
Speakers of 2024

Jason Kim
Frieze Art Fair & LGE
Digital Art Director
Digital Art Director

Hun Sen

Jon Gray

Chris Miller

John F. Kelly

Robert C. O′Brien

Katalin Novák

Arthur B. Laffer

Mauricio Macri

Linda G. Mills


Steve Wozniak

Sam Altman

Ron Klain

Hatoyama Yukio

Ilan Goldfajn

Eric Adams

James Norman Mattis

John Raymond

Anthony Fauci


David Cameron

Francois Hollande

Paul Krugman

John Bolton

Francis Fukuyama

Ray Dalio

Maria Ressa

Bob Sternfels

Min Jin Lee


Mike Pompeo

Mike Sandel

Tomaseu Baheu

Marcus Wallenberg

Bob Sternfels

Paul Milgrom

Jesper Brodin

Ban Ki-moon

Patrice Caine


Theresa May
The 76th Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Stephen Schwarzman
CEO and Co-Founder of Blackstone

John L. Hennessy
Chairman of Alphabet

Angel Gurria
Secretary-General of the OECD

Kevin Sneader
Global Managing Partner of McKinsey & Company

Laurence D. Fink
Chairman and CEO of BlackRock

Daron Acemoglu
Author of ??Why Nations Fail??

George Friedman
Founder and Chairman of Geopolitical Futures

Enrico Letta
The 55th Prime Minister of Italy


Jerry Yang
Co-Founder of Yahoo! and Founding Partner of AME Cloud Venture

Eric Yuan
Founder & CEO of Zoom

Niall Ferguson
Senior Fellow of Harvard University and Stanford University Hoover Institution

Wang Jia Rui
Vice Chairman of 12th National Committee of Chinese People??s Political Consultative Conference

Steve Chen
Co-Founder of YouTube and EIR of Google Ventures

Reince Priebus
The 27th White House Chief of Staff

Brian Duperreault
President & CEO of AIG

Jo Malone CBE
Founder & Creator of Jo Loves

Bob Woodward
Pulitzer Prize Winner and Associate Editor of The Washington Post


Janet L. Yellen
Chair of Federal Reserve System(2014-2018)

Kersti Kaljulaid
President of Republic of Estonia

Ben Nelson
Founder & CEO Minerva

H. R. McMaster
The 26th Advisor The US National Security Council The 26th Advisor

Rajeev Suri
President & CEO Nokia

Eric Allison
Head Uber Elevate

John Kim
President New York Life

Jane Jie Sun
CEO Ctrip

Michael Wen Zhang
President SenseTime


Hillary Rodham Clinton
Former U.S.
Secretary of State
Secretary of State

Francois Hollande
Former President of France
(2012 ~ 2016)
(2012 ~ 2016)

Ban Ki-moon
Former United Nations

Oliver Hart
Harvard University Professor

Zhang Ya-Qin
Baidu President

Amnon Shashua
CEO & CTO of Mobileye
Senior Vice President of
Intel Corporation
Senior Vice President of
Intel Corporation

Hu Weiwei
Mobike Founder & President

Enrico Letta
Former Prime Minister
of Italy
of Italy

Fatih Birol
International Energy Agency
Executive Director
Executive Director


Gerhard Schroder
Former Chancellor of Germany (1998~2005)

Dick Cheney
Former Vice President of the United States (2001~2009)

Edwin Feulner
The Heritage Foundation Chung Ju-yung Fellow, Chair Asian Studies

Georage Papandreou
Former Prime Minister of Greece

Luis Guillermo Solis
47th President of the Republic of Costa Rica

Wendy Sherman
U.S Department of State Ambassador (2011~2016)

Strobe Talbott
The Brooking Institution President

David Rubenstein
The Carlyle Group Co-Founder and Co-CEO

Peter Pace
Former Chairman of U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff (2005-2007)


Tony Blair
Prime Minister, Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Timothy Geithner
75th United States Secretary of the Treasury

Leon Panetta
U.S. Secretary of Defense

Nathan Blecharczyk
Airbnb Co-Founder

Le Luong Minh
Secretary General ASEAN

Theo Waigel
German Minister of Finance (1989-1998)

Hu Angang
Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Tsinghua University Dean

Nouriel Roubini
Roubini Global Economics Chairman

Paul Kennedy
Yale University Professor of History


Nicolas Sarkozy
President of the French Republic

Johannes Baillou
Merck Chairman of the Board of Partners

Thomas Piketty
Paris School of Economics Professor

Jean-Claude Trichet
ECB Former President

Carl Bildt
Former Prime Minister of Sweden

Hatoyama Yukio
Former Prime Minister of Japan

Jeremy Rifkin
The Foundation on Economic Trends President

Li Yining
Peking University Honorary Dean at Guanghua School of Management

Gene Sperling
Former Director of the National Economic Council


Larry Summers
Professor of Harvard University

Gregory Mankiw
Harvard University Professor of Economics

Peter Voser
Royal Dutch Shell plc CEO

Meir Dagan
Mossad Former Director

Salman Khan
Khan Academy Founder

K. C. Chan
Secretary of Financial Services & the Treasury of Hong Kong

Kishore Mahbubani
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Iwata Kazumasa
Japan Center for Economic Research President

Thaksin Shinawatra
Former Prime Minister of Thailand


Jim Yong Kim
President of World Bank

Paul Krugman
Professor of Princeton University

Nouriel Roubini
Professor of New York University

Malcolm Gladwell
Journalist of The New Yorker

Martin Wolf
Chief Economics Commentator of Financial Times

Dani Rodrik
Professor of Harvard University

Daron Acemoglu
Professor of MIT

Tyler Cowen
Professor of George Mason University

Condoleezza Rice
United States of America Former Secretary of State


Gordon Brown
Member of the Parliament of UK

Larry Summers
Professor of Harvard University

Sarah Palin
Politician of United States of America

Michael Sandel
Professor of Harvard University

Martin Sorrell
Chief Executive of WPP

Nishida Atsutoshi
Chairman of Toshiba

Amy Chua
Professor of Yale University

Tom Albanese
Chief Executive of Rio Tinto

Karel de Gucht
EU Trade Commissioner


Tony Blair
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Yukio Hatoyama
Former Prime Minister of Japan

Richard Branson
Virgin Group Founder & CEO

Nouriel Roubini
Professor of NYU Stern Business School

Paul Krugman
Professor of Princeton University

Jeffrey Katzenberg
CEO of Dreamworks Animation SKG

Niall Ferguson
Professor of Harvard University

Hans Vestberg
President and CEO of Ericsson

Donald Trump Jr
Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization


George W. Bush
The 43rd President of the United States of America

Gary Hamel
Professor of London Business School

Peter Brabeck-Letmathe
Chairman of Nestle S.A.

Paul Krugman
2008 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics

Biz Stone
Co-founder of Twitter

Jack & Suzy Welch
Former CEO of GE & Columnist

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Author of 'The Black Swan'

Jim Rogers
CEO of Rogers Holdings


Michael Porter
Professor of Harvard University

Richard Branson
Virgin Group Founder & CEO

Eric Maskin
2007 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics

John Howard
Former Prime Minister of Australia

Richard Levin
President of Yale University

Jack Trout
Author of 'Positioning'


Colin Powell
Former Secretary of State, USA

Alan Greenspan
Former Chairman of Federal Reserve Board

Edmund Phelps
2006 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics

Tom Peters
Chairman of Tom Peters Company

Philip Rosedale
Founder of Linden Lab

Vinton G. Cerf
Vice President & Chief Internet Evangelist of Google Inc.

Rolf Jensen
Chief Imagination Officer of Dream Company Inc.

Peter Sands
Group Chief Executive of Standard Chartered Bank


George Soros
Chairman of Soros Fund Management

Thomas C. Schelling
2005 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics

Shelly Lazarus
Chairman and CEO of Ogilvy & Mather

Jacques Attali
President of PlaNet Finance

Craig Mundie
Chief Research and Strategy officer, Microsoft Corporation

Leon Brittan
Vice Chairman of UBS Investment Bank

Alan Eustace
Senior Vice President, Engineering & Research of Google

Kenneth Rogoff
Professor of Harvard University


Jack Welch
Former Chairman of GE

Edward Prescott
2004 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics

Robert Kagan
Professor of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Paul Jacobs
CEO of Qualcomm

Ralph Parks
Chairman of JP Morgan Asia

LOO Choon Yong
Executive Chairman of Raffles Medical Group,Ltd. Singarpore


Kim Dae-jung
Former President, Republic of Korea

Mori Yoshiro
Former Prime Minister of Japan

Paul Kennedy
Professor of Yale University

Robert A. Mundell
1999 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics

Carly S. Fiorina
Former Chairman of HP

Gianni De Michelis
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Italy

Donahue, John
Director, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Pierre-Jean Everaert
Chairman of InBev


Martin Feldstein
Former Chairman of U.S. President's Council of Economic Advisers

Jim Collins
Author of 'Good to Great'

Francis Fukuyama
Professor of Johns Hopkins University

Robin Buchanan
Dean of London Business School

Ohmae Kenichi
President & CEO of Business Breakthrough, Inc.

Edith Cresson
Former Prime Minister

Edwin J, Feulner
President of The Heritage Foundation

John J. Fernandes
President & CEO of The Association to Advance Collegiate


Larry Ellison
Chairman and CEO of Oracle Corporation

Michael Dell
Chairman and CEO of Dell

Joseph E. Stiglitz
2001 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics

Philip Kotler
Distinguished Professor of Northwestern University

Stephen R. Covey
Author of 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People'

Orit Gadiesh
Chairman of Bain & Company

David Johnston
President of University of Waterloo

John Ridding
CEO of Financial Times


Bill Gates
Co-founder of Microsoft Corporation

Supachai Panitchpakdi
Director-General of WTO

Paul Krugman
Professor of Princeton University

Yves Doz
Timken Chaired Professor of INSEAD

Nagao Makoto
President of Kyoto Univ

Lindiwe Hendricks
Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, South Africa

Bjorn Stigson
President of WBCSD

Ashok Soota
Chairman and CEO of MindTree Consulting Pvt Ltd


Lester Thurow
Professor of MIT

Paul Romer
Professor of Stanford University

Donald Johnston
Secretary General of OECD

Heinrich Rohrer
1986 Nobel Laureate in Physics

Rajat Gupta
Managing Director Worldwide of McKinsey & Company, Inc

Robert Davis
CEO of Lycos, Inc.

Thomas Andersson
President of IKED

Phillip Melchior
Managing Director of Reuters


Theresa May
The 76th Prime Minister of United Kingdom

주제 -
데이터, 뉴노멀 시대의 적응을 위해 기업이 어떻게 활용할 것인가

18. 08:30 ~ 09:00, 루비

히로 요시카와 (Arm 트레저데이터, 공동창업자 겸 사장)

고영혁 (Arm 트레저데이터, 한국 비즈니스 총괄)
코로나19라는 팬데믹은 이 세상이 지속해 온 비즈니스의 오랜 관습과 추측, 그리고 수행 방식을 갑자기 산산조각 냈다. 모든 종류의 회사가 제공하는 고객 경험을 다시 생각해야 할 시기다. 지금 기업의 급선무는 지속되는 뉴노멀에 새롭게 적응하는 것이다. 기존 비즈니스를 새로운 도화지에 놓고 다시 그려가며, 이전과는 달라진 고객과의 새로운 연결구조를 만들어 가야 하는 절박한 도전과제가 생긴 것이다. 어느덧 비즈니스 활동이 온라인 채널 속으로 들어갔으며, 그에 따른 고객 요구의 변화를 보며 포스트 코로나 시대의 일면을 기업들은 이미 체감하고 있다. Arm 트레이저데이터 공동창업자 겸 사장, 요시카와 히로와 Arm 트레저데이터 한국 비즈니스 총괄, 고영혁은 포스트 코로나 시대에 기업이 데이터를 활용해 고객을 과학적으로 이해해 변화되는 환경에 이떻게 준비할 것인지에 대해 논한다.