Knowledge Archive

Knowledge Archive

The success method of the sharing economy: 'Rent out an empty house and make money.'


A lot of hype accompanies the so-called sharing economy – and its posterchilds such as Airbnb and Uber have become the quintessential ‘Unicorns’; yet, what exactly is the underlying business model and the ‘end-game’ that such loss-making firms valued at multiple tens-of-billions of dollars are pursuing? In this session we will take a deep look at several key concepts, from the basic logic of ‘sharing’ and the often observed regulatory free-riding, to the mechanics of ‘platforms’ and the promised land of ‘winner take all markets’ – and then combine these insights into a novel rudimentary model that will aid us in gauging the potential of different firms in the ‘sharing’ space. #airbnb #economy #business ☆ WKF | ☆ Instagram | ☆ Youtube│ ✻ World Knowledge Forum's lecture contents are copyrighted by Maekyung Media Group. Acts such as illegal downloading, re-uploading, and re-processing are prohibited.





Combining AI and Music: The Perfect Blend for Progress│Taehyun Kim (POZAlabs, CSO)


Cloud Security in the Age of AI Hacking | James Allworth (Cloudflare, Head of Innovation)